Green Beret's Running For Congress Complete MUSTER/List of all Army Special Forces Green Beret's Running For Congress 2022 According to our research there are currently 10 Army Special Forces Green Beret's running in Primary's across the United States. This is according to our records from fellow Brothers and Team Mates. Literally a few day's ago one of our Brothers was chatting with a friend and Green Beret about the fella's who have stepped up to run for office by email. Interestingly this Green Beret is one of the Founders of 18 Series Bags. And has previously listed and written a post on the Green Berets who have stepped up to run in the Primary for US HOUSE in their districts. Read the original Article/ Blog Post Here ! IF WE HAVE MISSED ANY GREEN BERET? MESSAGE US FOR CORRECTION The Complete List of Green Berets Running In Primary's 2022 Michael Waltz Let's be real honest for a second, Michael Waltz is the first Green Beret elected to Federal Of...