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Showing posts with the label SOF PAC MISSION


THE SOF PAC TEAM! "Life is a Selection" SOF PAC FUND was started by three Special Mission Unit Operators. The idea was started after a troubling and dangerous truth was uncovered during a Political Primary Campaign. Two decorated Special Operations Combat Veterans teamed up together. One of the Veterans was a Army Special Forces Green Beret and had been persuaded to run for Congress by a local political Organization. In the beginning the Candidate received funding, media, and support by the big republican machine. However only 2 month's later he was quickly discarded as a serious candidate.  And after this decision any an all support from Media, Influencers and Fundraising disappeared for the Candidate as well. Why did this happen?  When all the behaviors and conversations was examined with help from Political insiders. It was clear gerrymandering political influencers and forces outside of the two veterans control were actively pacifying the Congressional campaigns ...