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"Life is a Selection"

SOF PAC FUND was started by three Special Mission Unit Operators. The idea was started after a troubling and dangerous truth was uncovered during a Political Primary Campaign. Two decorated Special Operations Combat Veterans teamed up together. One of the Veterans was a Army Special Forces Green Beret and had been persuaded to run for Congress by a local political Organization. In the beginning the Candidate received funding, media, and support by the big republican machine. However only 2 month's later he was quickly discarded as a serious candidate.  And after this decision any an all support from Media, Influencers and Fundraising disappeared for the Candidate as well.

Why did this happen?  When all the behaviors and conversations was examined with help from Political insiders. It was clear gerrymandering political influencers and forces outside of the two veterans control were actively pacifying the Congressional campaigns success. 

Not realizing the deception and passive campaign working against them. The two veterans who teamed up together frantically worked to compensate from mounting and growing failures. The two veteran brothers were doing their best even though they had no idea of the underhanded tactics the organizations leaders were placing directly in their path moving forward. A few of the Green Beret's former team mates were helping behind the scenes from afar to help the Candidate local momentum. All of the team members vowed to work and sacrifice together by, with, and through their military training motto "NEVER QUIT ON YOUR MISSION -NEVER LEAVE YOUR BROTHER BEHIND ON THE BATTLEFIELD"! They did everything in their power to push through the rigged districts road blocks. But it was all for not.

At the time the two veterans had no idea why usual support channels were now silent and closed. Little did they realize they were doomed to fail from the beginning. The political Organization who abandoned the Green Beret swiftly began grooming and preparing an alternate local congressional candidate from the same district. Ensuring the candidate had access to funding, media, and congressional support. Giving him the best chance for Primary Election Success. In the end the groomed congressional candidate did not win his General Election.



Something needed to be done. This should never be allowed to happen again. Our Veterans are worth more than jerry rigged political districts. Our American People should not be pawns on a rigged chess board. Our veterans deserve better, and so do our fellow Americans who vote.  It seems underhanded to discard a Veteran you persuaded to run for congress. Then create a toxic campaign working against them in the community denying them any community support as way to pacify their community presence.

The small team of Veterans and the Candidate were even unable to participate in Town Halls and Community Forums on the campaign trail. Fundraising was out of the question. Period. FAIL! No one would give to the campaign. Why? It was all a big mystery to the candidate and his chief of staff. Until they eventually figured it out with help from outside political influencers. 

All normal resources that are available were instructed NOT TO HELP!



Action was needed. So after the end of the campaign. Three Special Operations Veterans banded into a small team of politically active patriots. Ready to take on the Corrupt Establishments Proxy's. Vowing that our future Veteran Brothers running for Federal Office should never have to fight alone on the political campaign battlefield after serving our country honorably. This was a total FARCE!

SOF PAC FUND was born.

The SOF PAC Mission is Born

Our non profit mission is to ensure SOF Veteran Operators running for federal office have access to media lists, and friendly tv mass media journalists, arranging outside non collaborative campaign support examples: access to media, Large Law Firm Access, and private campaign contributions. 

We are trained Guerillas in Unconventional Warfare

Staying lawful 

Our activities are restricted by Federal law. Our integrity as a team is bound by Law. We will stay lawful and keep our Brothers campaign interests before our own. We will not collaborate with any of their Campaigns. Period.

Support is mission critical.

When serving on a Operation Detachment Alpha or ODA, or Serving on a SEAL Team, operators have access to command support elements. Assets like Air Power working to deny the enemy the high ground and overall increasing mission success. The military support network works. So Operators do not have to worry downrange. Being left to operate with no resupply during sensitive missions. Is a great way to see a mission fail. 

When warfighter's do not have to worry about funding or the simple basics. The War fighters performance on mission. Historically has improved. Fundraising failures and support should be the least of their worries on mission. So we are taking this same idea and practice. And introducing it for our Operator veteran brothers running for Federal Office. 

We are loyal Team Mates. And we are stepping up to the plate even if we have to carry the very heavy load on our own shoulders. Meaning starting off small from our own pockets. 

As any Veteran can attest to? "Life is a selection."

We would love for you to help support our mission. Mission success comes from building a great Team. Thank you.

Join The Team - Email us 

The future

In the future we are working on laying the legal and financial framework to accept Public Donations and share them with candidates campaigns. But at this time we are limited to non collaborative support. Meaning we are not financially active as a Group. We only give as individuals at this time.

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