We are quiet professionals first.
Our footprint is very light at this moment. However it’s our duty to remain in the shadows while pursuing our primary objective & goal of supporting our SOF Brothers running for Federal Office.
It's painful to say this, however the Establishment wants to see this initiative FAIL! However I guess the Establishment has never fought a brotherhood of Special Operations Veterans in the past. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE! WE DON'T LEAVE OUR OWN TO DIE ON THE BATTLEFIELD ALONE NOR WILL WE LEAVE OUR BROTHERS TO FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT HERE AT HOME ALONE.
Our mission is Patriotic, and born from a previous Operators Congressional Campaign that ended with more challenges than solutions. So three Special Mission Unit Veterans decided to act and do something about this observation. We acted so other SOF Political Candidates wont have the same campaign ending in failure and challenges. A Full story coming soon. Our mission is a basically an all volunteer Non Profit initiative that will ensure qualified Special Operations Veterans who run for Congress in the future won’t have to deal with support challenges. Challenges that are financial, or challenges that prohibit Candidates from having access to influential networks, and Mass Media communications or even Reporters and Journalists.
Allow us the privilege of sharing more by email. Sign up page coming soon.
Although we are primarily Conservative leaning Patriots, our personal support and endorsements across the Political spectrum is entirely decided by a small panel of Special Operations Veterans who vote to endorse or not endorse certain politically qualified veterans for federal Office.
We are exercising our 1st Amendment Rights on this Blog. It’s our duty to advocate for change lawfully.
And we believe in Law & Order. And we believe anyone who has the GUTS to stand up for America has the right to be seen heard and supported.
Thank you for supporting us. God Bless The United States of America. 🇺🇸
Sincerely the SOF PAC TEAM.
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